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The pages on musical instruments cover a variety of territories. Some of the material is historical research, mostly pertaining to flutes. The 'collection' link takes you to a searchable inventory of my collection of historical instruments, some of which are restored to, or were already in, playing condition. The purpose of the collection is to compensate for the over-zealous conservation ethos which currently pervades musical instrument museums. The instruments can be handled and played, and may by arrangement be lent out to professional performers or instrument makers wishing to copy or learn from them. Those wishing to examine or borrow instruments need to give me considerable notice, as the majority of the flutes cannot be kept at my home, for obvious reasons. The 'texts' link takes you to some of my more recent writing about historical flutes and flute making which has not yet made it into conventional publications. The 'lists' are of surviving instruments by makers or manufactories on which I have done specific research, or in which I have a particular interest. If you have an instrument which should feature in such a list please contact me using the email address under 'contacts'. (The ownership of any listed instrument may be kept anonymous, if you so wish). 'Links' takes you to some of the better sources on, or collections of, instruments in which the information is reliable and the presentation of information clear and thoughtful.

The second thread of research here pertains to my 'experimental' instruments, some of which are flute-based, and some of which are not. These are predominantly intended for use in improvised music, some of which feature among my 'works' and 'events/performances' (see top menu) and examples of which may be listened to through links in that page.

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