Simon Waters
1902 - 8-key conical flute by Card & Co
This flute, stamped 566/Card & Co./98/Quadrant/Regent St./London (the serial number is hard to read - it might be 466) is one of a number of 8-key instruments in the collection which need a considerable amount of restoration. The socket on the lower body joint is reinforced in a manner I have seen on other instruments the period, with some kind of binding, which has thus far dissuaded me from investigating the true extent of the damage. The quality of workmanship seems otherwise to be rather good, with fine cocus and well-made silver keywork. It has been suggested that Cornelius Ward may have been responsible for making Card's instruments. The address puts this one in the period 1826-1845, and, given that there are not a huge number of surviving Card flutes around, the serial number would suggest that it might be from the latter half of this period.